Thursday, 3 July 2014

Beloit Health System Nurse Residency Program

When nurses graduate they have acquired many skills which assist them in their nursing profession. Graduate nurses (GN) are anxious and excited with the anticipation of obtaining their first license. There is also the reality of applying their newly acquired skills into the workplace.
In 2012, Beloit Health System (BHS) implemented the Nurse Residency Program (NRP) to help graduate nurses make a smooth transition from college experiences to nursing practice. The goal of our program is to assist the GN with professional development, incorporating evidence based research into practice, which results into providing the best patient care. Our program was developed by the Education Department and is facilitated by Cindy Lidbury and Carol Clint.

At the end of their nursing orientation, they begin the 12 month NRP.  The GN is required to attend monthly classes which cover various topics. The GN has the opportunity to select a co-worker who will provide support and coach them throughout the program.  In addition, these nurses receive support and instruction from Nursing Administration, Human Resources, Department Directors, Clinical Managers, Clinical Educators and Coaches.

The graduates of our first class shared the following comments:
 “I thought the program offered a lot of support and reassurance
   for the new grad.  It offered a lot of insight of what to expect in
   the first year.”                

              “I always learned something, even though everything may not  
                have been applicable to my practice area.”

              “Communication with my team (nurses, doctors, patients, etc.,)
                Validations of skills and Professional development were my
                favorite classes”

Research reflects hospitals will spend approximately $80,000 on the orientation process for the GN.  Hospitals with the NRP report these successes: increased recruitment, lower turnover rates, and commitment to professional development.

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