Members of the Blue Line Club of
Beloit recently presented Beloit Health System Foundation with a check for
their largest contribution to date $521. The student hockey players raised
these funds at their annual "Pink the Rink 2014" events to support
breast cancer patients. In addition to homemade pink ribbon sugar cookies,
teams sold pink paper ribbons to honor or memorialize cancer patients. The
large ribbons were displayed around the ice rink to "Pink the Rink".
In addition, players wrapped their
hockey sticks and socks with pink wrapping tape to emphasize their goal during
the games. The Blue Line Club is comprised of members of the Beloit Memorial
High School, Rock County FURY and Beloit Youth Hockey Association teams and
their families.
Blue Line Club hockey players recently
presented Ann Sitrick, Beloit Health System Foundation Executive Director, with
a check for $521 from their “Pink the Rink” efforts to raise money for CancerCare. Players include clockwise from left: Katie Maegli, Dominic Putnam, Alyx
Richards and Izzabella Richards.