to Beloit Hospital on Monday, October 20, between 4 and 6 p.m. as Beloit HealthSystem will host a free introduction to smoking cessation session. Brief introduction
to smoking cessation will be given by Respiratory Therapist Racquel Rockey and
Addictions Counselor Brandi Lander.
information will be offered to prepare for a quit date of January 1, 2015. In January, a smoking cessation group will be
offered. The purpose of the January session is to strengthen positive outcomes
for those who have already quit or are struggling with relapse.
community is welcome to attend the free meeting on October 20th in
the Peterson Room at the hospital. If you are not able to attend, but would
like more information, please call 608-364-5686 for an informational packet or
to sign up for the January group.