Sunday, 19 October 2014

Are you ready to stop smoking?

Come to Beloit Hospital on Monday, October 20, between 4 and 6 p.m. as Beloit HealthSystem will host a free introduction to smoking cessation session. Brief introduction to smoking cessation will be given by Respiratory Therapist Racquel Rockey and Addictions Counselor Brandi Lander.

Written information will be offered to prepare for a quit date of January 1, 2015.  In January, a smoking cessation group will be offered. The purpose of the January session is to strengthen positive outcomes for those who have already quit or are struggling with relapse.
The community is welcome to attend the free meeting on October 20th in the Peterson Room at the hospital. If you are not able to attend, but would like more information, please call 608-364-5686 for an informational packet or to sign up for the January group.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Flu Shot Vaccines By Beloit Health System

Thinking about getting a flu shot or influenza vaccine this year? The influenza vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu, and flu prevention should be a goal for everyone.

Beloit Health System is providing Flu shot vaccines at very minimal costs. Vaccines available to anyone 6 months and older. High dose vaccines and Flu Mist live vaccines available only in the physician’s office by appointment.

Get Advice From Local Pediatrician on Enterovirus in Kids

“If you see your child has a progressively worsening cough, wheezing, or requires an increased effort to breath, then I would recommend talking to your doctor,” states Dr. Rodriquez.

The enterovirus that has been in the news recently, has brought a lot of attention to what may have previously been recognized as just “cold” symptoms. Dr. Abraham Rodriguez, Pediatrician at NorthPointe Clinic in Roscoe, has some information for parents 

To make an appointment with Dr. Rodriguez, please call the NorthPointe Clinic at 815-525-4500. NorthPointe Health and Wellness is located at 5605 E. Rockton Road in Roscoe, Illinois near the corners of Willowbrook and E. Rockton Rds near I-90.

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